Friends of West Meon Music Festival
West Meon Music Festival is a registered charity with the aim of advancing education and appreciation of music through public concerts and workshops. Educational outreach to local schools also forms part of its programme.
The Festival also fundraises for a local charity each year, this year our partner charity is The Elizabeth Foundation. Past charities supported by WMMF have been: The Rosemary Foundation, Winchester & District Young Carers and Help for Heroes.

Our 2017 Children’s concert “A Transport of Delight” in aid of the Rosemary Foundation.
The Festival receives no financial support from arts organisations and is dependent on ticket sales, advertising in its festival brochure and donations – so financial support from our Friends, Benefactors and Patrons is vital to maintain our community work.
As well as supporting these activities joining our Supporters’ Group provides a great opportunity for you to become more involved with the festival and performers. We offer three options for supporters:
Subscription £30 (individual) or £45 (two people at the same address) per annum.
An invitation to the Festival Supporters’ Reception during the Festival where you can meet the Quartet.
Complimentary Festival programme.
Your name listed in the Festival programme (if you wish).
Subscription, £100 (individual) or £125 (two people at the same address) per annum.
An invitation to the Festival Supporters’ Reception during the Festival where you can meet the Quartet.
Complimentary Festival programme.
Your name listed in the Festival programme (if you wish).
Reserved seating at the Festival.
Subscription £250 (individual or two people at the same address) per annum.
An invitation to the Festival Supporters’ Reception during the Festival where you can meet the Quartet.
Complimentary Festival programme.
Your name listed in the Festival programme (if you wish).
Reserved seating at the Festival.
Two complimentary tickets to a Festival concert of your choice.
If you would like the festival to benefit from your entire donation as a supporter you can pay via online bank transfer or cheque (which avoids paying commission to our ticket system provider)
and also complete a GIft Aid form (if applicable) which increases your donation by 25%. Please email [email protected] for details of payment options and to request a Gift Aid form.
Otherwise, Friends subscriptions are also available on the tickets page